Our elderly "caring for those, who have loved and cared for us".

At The Chemist Shop we hold a special place in our hearts for the elderly and aged residents in our community. These are the foundations and backbone of our society. Our elderly and senior citizens where the ones that built this wonderful country of ours and founded it with the most respectable and reputable ethics and integrity. At The Chemist Shop we honour our seniors and elderly by giving them the respect and integrity they deserve. We aim to empower them to make the correct choices for their healthcare and pride ourselves in being blessed to be able to listen to their words of advice and many years of invaluable knowledge.

As the owner and pharmacist I hold all my senior citizens in high esteem rewarding them with seniors discounts and free or bonus stock when ever given the chance. I aim to go to all lengths to make sure their safety net records are precise and up to date allowing them every possible chance to save money and use those very important pension dollars wisely. I'm also here to help them with any financial issue, by offering extended accounts and free deliveries as they need. I take pride in sitting down with the elderly and seniors in their home environment to discuss and simplify their medications and have attended numerous seniors groups to give talks on quality use of medicine.

If you or any member of your family knows of an elderly member in need please don't hesitiate to come in store and see me. We will tailor our services according to their needs and I'm sure they will soon feel that I'm part of their family and someone they can trust and rely on. Having this integral relationship means less commitment on working family members and careers that work on a rotating shift. Please read and enjoy all the many offers availbale to our dearly loved Seniors and elderly.