At The Chemist Shop service is our passion. We aim to provide you our local community with a complete pharmacy package. Our services span into many areas and we are constantly updating our service database to cater for the changing need in modern day health care. The most important factor is that we provide all our services in a loving, caring and family focused environment.

The success of our pharmacy to date is due to a commitment that goes beyond simply supplying products but rather extends into creating and building relationships, making a positive difference in people's lives and proudly contributing to the well-being of the community we serve.

Our main aim in every service we provide is to make life easier for you the customer. We urge you to use all these fantastic facilities and services available to you. We encourage you to come up with new and innovative ways that we may better serve you. Lastly we would be honoured to feel that you our customer are a part of our family and community. Enjoy using our comprehensive online and in-store services today!


Lifestyle Services

Managing your medicines. Our expert pharmacists can help you manage your medicines and assist you with services including Home Medicines Reviews, Dose Administration Aids, Patient Medication Profiles and Consumer Medicine Information leaflets.

Chronic disease management. Our expert pharmacists can help you manage chronic conditions such as Type 2 diabetes and asthma. Our expert pharmacists are always available to discuss your chronic diseases.

Management of minor illnesses. Our expert pharmacists can provide advice and information on treating a huge range of minor illnesses and conditions, including incontinence, head lice, acne, eczema, hayfever, allergies, skin conditions, pain relief and gastrointestinal conditions. Your pharmacist also knows when to refer you to your GP for further assessment.

Health checks. Our expert pharmacists can measure your blood pressure, body mass index (BMI), weight, and waist circumference to see if you are at risk of developing a chronic disease, such as diabetes, and will refer you to your GP if further assessment is necessary.

Healthy lifestyle support. Our expert pharmacists can assist you to quit smoking, lose weight and help you live a healthier life with tips on low‐fat eating and exercise. Our expert pharmacists can also provide advice on pregnancy and baby care and supporting your diet with complementary therapies.

Convenience Based Services - Making Life Easy

Free Local Pick Up & Delivery Service. For your convenience The Chemist Shop provides free local pick up and delivery of all your medical supplies and needs. You may choose to call or log a delivery using our streamlined innovative delivery portal below. It is very fast and easy to use ensuring you add any comments you may want John to receive e.g. "change for 20 dollars please" and most importantly your best contact phone number, or even multiple phone numbers if you wish to be called on the mobile if your popping out for a little while. We will gladly deliver to your home or work, promptly and conveniently.

Prescription Ready Service. With our fast paced busy lifestyles the prescription ready service is an invaluable tool to have the medications ready for you to swing through and pick up. You may log in a request at work or home or even through your iPhone or iPad or even send John an SMS. Fantastic convenience and service. No more queuing up or waiting around. Leave your prescriptions at the pharmacy in your individual private file and enjoy this fantastic service today!

Safe Medication Disposing. At Your Local Chemist. The Return Unwanted Medicines (RUM) Project is an Australia-wide scheme, funded by the Australian Government, that enables each of us to dispose of our unused medicines safely by taking them to a local pharmacy.



Aged Care Services
Our elderly "caring for those, who have loved and cared for us". View the complete list of services The Chemist Shop provides to our eldery in the community and those providing care for them. Click on the image to the left to view these. Then, feel free to browse around the entire sub-section for more helpful information and in-store products available for aged customers.

Want to suggest a service?
If there is something we've missed we'd love to hear your ideas. Click on the Question Mark icon to the left to send us your suggestions and we will gladly look into it.

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