Your Medicine Manager
If you have several tablets to take at specific times each day it can be really confusing remembering what's what. That's where a Dose Administration Aid (DAA) would come in handy.
What is a Webster Pack?
Simple in design, yet extremely effective, a webster pack is one type of DAA which is is a sealed pack which stores all your medicines for the week in correct compartments according to your prescribed dose. Webster-pak is a safe and simple medication pack. It sets out all the tablets and capsules that need to be taken at each particular time of the day, for each day of the week. This makes it easy to manage medication.
The pharmacist takes the doctor's prescriptions and dispenses the medication into a blister pack. This pack is securely sealed so the medication is protected and there is no chance of spilling or mixing things up. The pack lists all the contents plus other medications taken, providing vital information for hospital or ambulance staff in the case of emergency.
When it is time to take the medication, the person or carer simply pushes out the contents of the blister through the foil backing for the correct time on the correct day. Webster-pak provides a visual cue, so you always know where you are up to.
Thanks to Webster-pak's distinctive visual cues, you can see at a glance whether someone is taking medication correctly or not. With regular bottles or packs it is almost impossible, and you wouldn't know if someone was having a problem and may need some extra help. Webster-pak makes it easy for the patient and easy for you to see how things are going.
What are Pill Boxes?
Pill boxes are a another DAA which is managed by the patient. Pill boxes come in all shapes and sizes. They are plastic packs that can be packed by the able patient or career organising a daily or weekly supply. At the beginning of each week, simply allocate your tablets into the correct compartments for each day / time you need to take them. At the chemist shop we have a wide range to choose from as well as advice and help in packing the medications for you.
Benefits of DAA
Think of the DAA as your medicine manager which helps:
■ prevent mix-up of tablets or accidentally taking the wrong ones
■ reduce the chance of forgetting your tablet, taking it twice or taking it at the wrong time of the day
■ you better understand how your medicines work
■ if you travel regularly
■ if you have trouble remembering which tablet to take when.
Need some assistance?
Ask your pharmacist to help by organising your DAA for you. We're happy to help manage your medicines.