Although medicines can make you feel better and help you get well, it's important to know that all medicines have risks as well as benefits.
Some of the risks involved with taking medicines include:
■ harmful reactions when the medicine is combined with certain foods, drinks, vitamins, and traditional or other medicines
■ the medicine not working as expected
■ the medicine causing additional health problems
Managing pain factsheet
This bilingual brochure has information on over-the-counter pain relief medicines.
Download brochures in your language:
Managing pain factsheet: Arabic-English
(إدارة النشرة الألم) |
Managing pain factsheet: Croatian-English (Upravljanje bol brošura pomaže) |
Managing pain factsheet: Greek-English
(Διαχείριση δελτίο πόνος) |
Managing pain factsheet: Italian-English
(Gestione scheda dolore) |
Managing pain factsheet: Korean-English
(통증 관리안내서) |
Managing pain factsheet: Macedonian-English
(Управување со болка лист) |
Managing pain factsheet: Spanish-English
(La gestión de ficha dolor) |
Managing pain factsheet: Simplified Chinese-English
(疼痛管理资料单张) |
Managing pain factsheet: Traditional Chinese-English
(疼痛管理資料單張) |
Managing pain factsheet: Vietnamese-English
(Quản lý tờ thông tin đau). |
Medicine Brand Choices Brochure
This bilingual brochure has information about medicine brand choices, to help you get to know your medicine options.
Download brochures in your language:
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Arabic-English
(منشور لماذا يُعرض علينا اختيار الدواء من بين أصناف مختلفة؟) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Croatian-English
(Brošura Zašto imamo slobodu izbora lijeka?) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Greek-English
(Φυλλάδιο: Γιατί μας προσφέρεται επιλογή φαρμάκου) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Italian-English
(Opuscolo Perché ci viene offerto di
scegliere le nostre medicine?) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Korean-English
(왜 여러 의약품 중 한가지를 선택하게 되나요? 브로셔) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Macedonian-English
(Зошто ни нудат избор на лекарства? – Брошура) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Chinese Simplified-English (《为什么要对药物进行选择?》 小册子) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Chinese Traditional-English (《為什麼要對藥物進行選擇?》 小冊子) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Spanish-English (Folleto ¿Por qué se nos ofrece una elección de medicina?) |
Medicine Brand Choices brochure: Vietnamese-English (Quyển hướng dẫn Tại sao chúng tôi được lựa chọn thuốc men? ) |