The world as we know it is moving rapidly in its use of technology and innovations, at The Chemist Shop we aim to stay up-to-date and on top of innovations to give our customers the best healthcare, advice and options. We aim to update this exciting innovations page and keep you always excited and anticipating the fantastic and mind boggling future ahead of us.

Smart Phones

The last two years has seen the introduction of smart phones such as Apple's "iPhone" and Samsung's "Galaxy". These have now changed our lives, transforming the humble telephone into a compact hand-held on the go computer. Also with creations such as the iPad and the iTablet the development of medically based and pharmaceutical applications have soured to great heights. With these innovation has come the creation of some fantastic applications, an example of one of the latest is called "vital signs". Watch the video below and be amazed!


Download the Vital Signs app by clicking on the App Store logo on the left.


Another fantastic application is called Pocket Pharmacist. Enjoy watching the video below



The latest innovation to come to health care is the sharing of medical information between your pharmacist and your health care team. The patient will nominate which health care professionals have access to their Ehealth profile.

The Ehealth profile will be in a secure online "vault" where the patient can read the health information and medical results their doctor has recorded for them. In some cases the patient can even comment on results and notes relevant to them for example "I have now stopped medication XY".

What is the purpose of this Ehealth system you may ask? Well the benefit is that all the health care team, whether it be the hospital team treating a new patient or an optometrist treating an eye condition, each professional with the patients consent can log in and read the patients medical history, view their current medications and update their notes as they treat them. This means less medical mix ups, less assumptions and allot less chance of duplication or misdiagnosis of medical conditions and a better end result for the patient.

Watch how this works in The United States:

Medication Packing Machines- Smart Robots

For very large organisation and aged care residential facilities it is very difficult to pack medication for so many residents. With the introduction of these new smart robot packing machines the speed and accuracy has become phenomenal. With a growing aged care population the demand on aged care supply is on the increase. Have a look at how this intelligent piece of equipment works.

Smart and Funny

Asia is known for creating some of the most innovative and interesting inventions we have today. The fact that we all as people think differently is amazing. Here is an innovation to treat sleep apnea that is definitely outside the "norm". below you will see a bear shaped pillow which adjusts your head position to eliminate snoring. This is just another example of the innovations of the modern age and an example of how we are looking beyond current medicine to solve everyday problems. 

Innovations in Medication Adherence

Being prescribed medication is all good and well but if not taken properly the treatment is rendered ineffective. There are always new and interesting methods of enabling the patient to remember to take their medication and to do so at the right time. Below is a new and innovative device that takes the concept of patient compliance to the next level using modern age technologies.